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  Mankind vs Extraterrestrial
  Mankind vs Extraterrestrial
  When you look up into the stars, you would not know what those “people” out there view us? 當你仰望繁星,可曾想過:那些「人」是如何看待我們的?


作  者:陳立恩(Andy Chen)
類  別:文學小說
出  版:白象文化
語  言:英文
I S B N :9789863580645
裝  訂:平裝

定  價:NT$380

狀  態:已下架

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序 / 導讀

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◎Unlike normal sci-fi novels, this book involves more than that. It contains more friendship, love between families. A twelve year old has the imagination to create a magnificent, powerful world.
◎This is an inventive novel, with its exciting plot, with tense adventures but without much lack of humor, the character description is very profound. All of this comes from a little boy, very surprising.
◎There is a message in this book: Family is the greatest thing in the world.







PART 1: Elate’s Revenge


In year 2018, the alien Elate was defeated by the“ top agent” in ETCS agency (E.T Control System), then he and his army of alien henchmen were locked in a star called Proxima Centuri about four light years away from the sun in 2022.
Everything is safe in the past four years.
No one is not going to scream; OH NO! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
Until now.
No one believes that Elate is planning for revenge on the whole world.
BUT HE IS, I tell you now. Anything can BE POSSIBLE.
ETCS agency a space probe named SOLOR to lock and secure the star where Elate is imprisoned. But then, Elate slightly broke free from the star in 2025, and he destroys SOLOR, preventing it from trapping him and his eighteen henchmen. Then he absorbs a small amount of the star’s power with his hands, so his power gained. Then he pulled out his personal spaceship, which is also locked in the same star, and released himself with his henchmen and their flying space jets. Elate flied toward Earth. His henchmen flied toward Mars (except Aero, Elate’s trusted henchmen) to help their boss if needed.
On their journey, Aero asked; “Boss, I want to sleep, can I?”
Elate didn’t turn to his ship. He vowed to take revenge on the whole world, and he wanted to kill most is all the ETCS members. “Oh no, focus on our mission now. And do not take a lazy sleep on this ship.”
“Come on, please? I only slept seven hours today. I still had ten hours to go.”
Elate is planning to destroy the entire planet and destroy everything. After he traveled four years, he sent Aero, a fire producing alien, come to earth with him.

‧‧‧  ‧‧‧  ‧‧‧


At the same time, in Manhattan, in 2029 July1, 10:45 PM, a black car screeched into a stop on a steep road. The men inside the car are none other than ETCS members. Every one of them has to wear black suits in the system or in a mission.
There is the one, which is the “top agent”. The name is Calvin Barter. He is 5”8 tall and his age is 58, with grey hair pulled back with wrinkled skin and a short beard. He has worked in the ETCS for 29 years, and had accomplished 265 alien problems, and he is the most successful of the agents. Tonight, they are out to take down an alien who have just gobbled up a bus driver. This is as easy as pie to Calvin.
When he get off the car, along with his four men, took a few weapons from the car. The ETCS was full of gleaming guns, unlike regular guns; almost all of them are energy spitting.
In front of them, a tour bus stopped in front of them. Three people walked down and stared at Calvin. The tour bus driver did not say anything, but let all the people on the bus to get examination by five ETCS members.
“Bus driver, you better get off the bus, too.” Calvin said calmly. The bus driver seemed to have trouble getting out of the bus.
A member of the man whispered to Calvin, “It seems to be an extraterrestrial being though I don’t know what it is.” “Shut up, G.” Calvin replied. This is the other member of the ETCS, Grover. “G” is the code name of the agent. Every member’s code name is based on his or her initial from their name.

There are eleven people on the bus, plus one driver. The first of them was a man, which seemed 26 years old. NO EVIDENCE. The second one though was his baby. Still, NO EVIDENCE. All the rest are checked, except the driver. When Calvin checked him, his face was floppier, and then his skin dropped off.
The alarmed bus passengers scrammed off to tell the police. (Of course, the police don’t know about ETCS.) When the alien is revealed, one ETCS agent said: Isn’t it our old prisoner? Isn’t it locked in prison two days ago? How did it get out?”
It is cobalt colored alien with two sharp horns on his two sides of its butt. It also has eyestalks like hammerhead shark-style, with talons on his feet.
“Well, perhaps he spit out digestive juices which disrupted the cell control system of other three.” Calvin and his members then ran off for two minutes until they hid behind an oak tree. The alien franticly searched for them, spitting digestive juices. Calvin pulled out an Atomic No.3 and set it to 65% power and shot a fireball at the alien. BLAM!
Blue juices burst out everywhere, and the true bus driver is revealed (IT IS INSIDE THE ALIEN). A few minutes later, a police car blared off, coming to this scene. The exhausted bus driver gets off his feet and went toward the police officers direction like a maniac.

“Hey, officers, I was eaten by a monster a few hours ago. And before it ate me, he wore a bus driver’s costume to fake that he is a human. And now I’m out, now where is it? My skin smells shitty. Search it anywhere! Kill him for eating me, and –AAAGGGGHHHHH
HH! ”
Three other aliens fired their liquid nitrogen guns at the trees. They are alike the alien Calvin killed a while before, and they are only forty five feet from the police and the ETCS men (had gotten out from hiding).

“Run,” muttered the officer chief.

The bus driver ran off. All officers held out their guns and fired at the three aliens. The three aliens dodged the bullets, sending the bullets to hit the ground. But the chief officer fired ten shots at one alien, and then blew it into shreds. The gun which the alien is holding dropped, and the officer jumped to grab it. The two aliens pulled out their guns and were just about to fire at the officer, but Calvin shot them with the Atomic No. 3 before they did.
The chief officer was quite astonished about the alien thing. “Uh, was that human or not? I like to take an investigation to your agency. Interesting job, huh? I better ask you questions about your agency.”
Uh-oh. There was no such thing about asking questions. ETCS was mainly a top secret protection agency with humans and extraterrestrial life (The creatures who come to earth and been taken to ETCS and grow up there).
“Well I don’t think this is going to work out. So please clean up everything and give it to us. Before that, please take a look at this.” Calvin pulled out a steel and silver made tube with a red circular button around the top and a glass cover with a flash bulb in it.
He pulled out his shades and his four members did it, too.
Calvin pressed the side button.
ZAP! A blue green light flashed from the bulb inside the glass. Calvin then said out a few lies: “Take a look closely. First of all, this is a no check it out agency, and second, do not tell ANYONE about it. And the juices? Clean it up. Do not scan it later.” He and his members walked away.
A while later, the police got out of their frozen trance and walked to the pile of nasty, corpse–smelling pile of blue slime and digestive enzymes, and with no idea what just happened.

When Calvin and his agent buddies get on their car, agent G and D (means Drake Samuel) ask C (full name is, yeah you know) about the ETCS situation problem and they said something which is need to be noticed.
“Hey, Calvin.” Drake said. “Well, I have something to ask.”
“OK, go on.”
Drake started to ask. “We know what you have done to the one you prevent from attacking Earth in eleven years ago, on 2018, July.”
This seemed like a problem. “You mean Elate? Why?”
“Well, I don’t think this star will hold that solar alien and his henchmen for long. The WARNING SYSTEM MESSANGER has given us a signal.”
Well, to prove that, a beeping sound stopped Calvin before he starts driving.
“Let me see!” Calvin said, a voice which sounded like it noticed some certain message. He took the WSM machine and looked at the rectangular screen.

The WSM is an excellent sensor device. It is a twelve inch long, eight inch wide rectangular screen device. It can communicate alien crime signals about twenty thousand square miles away if you turn the WSM on, with the help of its computer it can give out warning messages if an evil aliens power was deadly, and it can detect them even if they were at ten light years away.

Calvin looked at the screen and a seemed little bit slightly surprised. A red warning appeared on a screen: ATTENTION. LIFE FORMS ENTERING SOLAR SYSTEM. NOW IN PATH OF JUPITER’S ORBIT.
“Oh, look at the hell!” Calvin muttered. Elate has already broken up PROXIMA CENTAURI star. Elate gained power by absorbing most of the star’s energy. Next, the spaceship is now carrying Elate. And also his henchmen and the henchmen’s crafts are heading to Mars to prepare except Aero, with Elate to head Earth and destroy Calvin and the whole world which Calvin saved.

Calvin knew about this alien’s super abilities. Elate was a powerful alien who possesses the power to fly, to radiate matter as possible. He can also hurl out deadly rays like lasers and gamma rays. He and his henchmen are a group of powerful forces which lived on a planet 200 light years away. The planet’s name is Ti; a planet is half the size of Uranus.
Calvin stared at the screen. He looked at the side of it. It shows about its history.
Drake piped up. “You might know that about Elate’s past. He is quite selfish and he may kill without mercy.”
“So? It isn’t proof to answer why Elate attacks Earth.”
“Well, he thinks humans are naïve. He also wants to destroy the ETCS, you know you encased him in a star just after you had fought him eleven years ago.”
Calvin leaned back in his seat. He stopped for two minutes, and then started driving.
The car drove away from the road. On the way, Calvin talked to everyone on the car about Elates plan to attack Earth. By then, the WSM provided more information to Calvin, but not enough details have been provided.

“So, okay. First of all, Elate will arrive at Earth in five hours and half a dozen minutes. Well, any ideas? ”Calvin asked.
Drake makes a suggestion. “What if you may find a new partner?”
“What? Find a new partner in Manhattan? Calvin said; you think that’s it? ”
“Worth it. I don’t think it will be a rookie to be one.” Drake said.
Well, he was wrong for sure.

以上內容節錄自《Mankind vs Extraterrestrial》陳立恩(Andy Chen)◎著.白象文化出版


陳立恩(Andy Chen)

五歲便自發性的提筆創作,五年間完成 “Lan and Leo”、“CJ7”、“Chaplin script version”等十餘本自創故事書,以及 “The Universe series”、“Animal Worlds”、“Apocalypse 2012”等十餘本小百科,均為手寫本,圖文並茂、饒富童趣。
十一歲開始使用電腦,草創 “Mankind vs Extraterrestrial(人類鏖戰外星人)”,善用課餘閒暇,歷時一年完稿,期能付梓,藉以與台灣及世界各國朋友分享。

Andy Chen is a Taiwanese SIX-grade boy who had learned English for nearly ten years by himself. Andy Chen lives in Changhua County, in Shi Hu elementary school.
This writing was his most proud work in his life, yet.
Now he is wishing his writing will be published.

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