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從1991年中央警察大學畢業至2011年轉任一般行政部門,實際從事警察工作共二十載,尤其在刑事警察局國際刑警科任職12年、派駐華府擔任首任駐美警察聯絡官3年,同時得在政大法律研究所、喬治華盛頓大學法學院(George Washington University, LLM)及美國聯邦調查局國家學院(FBI National Academy)進修與受訓,讓筆者得有許多跨國實務歷練、有機會與我國警界實務領域頂尖人才共事,得與美國司法及警政人士進行理論與實務的結合,彙整而有本書之編排。誠然,個人才疏學淺,圖以極短的篇幅涵蓋廣泛而專業的執法領域,致內容疏漏、錯誤及不周之處,尚祈讀者先進包涵與指正。

2014年10月 於台灣淡水


Unit 5 犯罪偵查 Criminal Investigation

犯罪現場常被故布疑陣,稱之為staged crime scene,偵查人員做後續調查及偵監時,常會出列出待辦事項表(To-Do List),並利用各種犯罪分析(犯罪報告、犯罪繪圖、犯罪統計、逮捕報告、報警電話、地理分析)、線民、指認(排列指認、相片指認,及當面指認)、臥底及偵訊等技巧。臥底與誘陷、自白與自認、訪談與偵訊常常是一線之隔,基本上,偵查人員對嫌犯進行的是 interrogation(訊問),但對被害人或證人進行的是interview(訪談)。
移送一詞在英文中,可以用booking process來表示,因為在這個程序中。包括拍嫌犯照片及捺印指紋等,這些移送前的警察程序,在美國稱為booking。

Crime Scene 犯罪現場

When the police respond to a citizen’s report and learn that a crime has beencommitted, a preliminary investigation will be initiated. Normally, preliminary investigation is conducted by a uniformed officer from the patrol division; the followup investigation is conducted after the initial incident report is completed until the case is ready for prosecution. To facilitate a successful case closure, such investigations are usually referred to the CID. Detectives are constantly requested to provide investigative assistance and conduct surveillances because they are familiar with the investigative techniques, information sources and databases that are available to them.
Criminal stages a crime scene to misdirect investigators so as to get away with the crime. For instance, a man strikes another person, leaves her body at the bottom of the stairs, and calls the police. Then he claims that the person fell while walking down the stairs. A killer stages a crime scene by breaking a window to make it look like a burglar killed the victim. A wife spikes a drink with poison and serves the drink to her husband. Then she forges a suicide note to make the murder look like a suicide. A jewelry store owner, with the intent of defrauding an insurance company, stages a burglary in which a diamond necklace is missing, and a glass window had been broken. He is well aware that the jewelry is fully insured. The offender starts a fire in an effort to cover up another crime, and the offender mistakenly believes that the fire will burn up evidence of the crime. These are examples of staged crime scene. And unless they are caught red-handed, the alleged persons mostly tend to give false alibi to the police to cover up their crimes. To urge people to tip off police about crime, police will set up an anonymous tip line for people to give a clue.
Seasoned detectives usually have their own To-Do List for follow-up investigation and surveillance, which may include: (1) to obtain any documentary evidence, for example, bank statements, hotel records, telephone calls, credit card charges, credit histories, revenue and tax records, medical records, and fingerprint record; (2) to check the criminal histories, immigration record, and family background; (3) to visit the crime scene; (4) to review incident report, autopsy report, crime lab report, information and evidence previously obtained; (5) to link suspects to other crimes by modus operandi (M.O.) analysis; (6) to examine the physical evidence; (7) to contact victims and witnesses for in-depth interviews; (8) to search for other witnesses; (9) to execute search warrants; (10) to assess the credibility of witness, (11) to arrange line-ups to identify the suspect; (12) to re-evaluate the case as new information is received; (13) to identify and interview known associates of the suspect and informant; (14) to conduct interrogation and search; (15) to use specialized investigative technologies for example polygraph examination; (16) to locate and apprehend the suspect; (17) to recover stolen property; (18) to meet with the prosecutors, and (19) to maintain a comprehensive case file.

Crime analysis 犯罪分析

Crime analysis is the process of using systematic analytical methods to acquire information on crime patterns and trends. The primary goal of crime analysis is to help law enforcement agencies interpret information, effectively deploy resources, and come up with solutions to crime and crime prevention strategies. Crime analysts use crime reports, crime mappings, crime statistics, arrest reports, police calls, geo graphic data, and other resources to identify emerging patterns and trends.
Surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior or activities (black law) with a view to gathering evidence. It is often broken into two types: physical surveillance and technical surveillance. The former is conducted by the surveillance team members on foot or with vehicles; the latter involves the use of various investigative technologies such as CCTV, ALPR, etc.
偵監,是對行為或活動的監控,目的是為了蒐集證據,它通常分為兩種:人的跟監(physical surveillance)及技術偵監(technical surveillance),前者是由偵監小組的人員以徒步或開車的方式進行,後者包括了各種偵查科技的使用,例如閉路監視器、自動車牌辨識系統等等。
Informants supply information to the police about a crime in exchange for a reward, special treatment or favorable consideration on charges pending against them. An informant is also known as confidential informant, criminal informant, informer or cooperating individual. While the information provided will likely lead to the apprehension of a criminal suspect, seizure of illegal goods and recovery of stolen property, investigator should always confirm the source of information and be careful not to be lured into a trap.
線民提供有關犯罪的資訊給警方,以換取報酬、特殊待遇,或對其未結的被告案件之有利考量。線民(informant)也稱confidential informant、criminal informant、informer或cooperating individual,由於提供的資訊可能導致嫌犯逮捕、非法物品的查扣及失竊物的尋獲,因此,偵查人員都應該要確認資訊的來源,並小心不被引入陷阱。

Eyewitnesses, Lineups, Photo lineups, and Show-ups

Eyewitnesses may be requested to see if they recognize anyone connected with the crime in one of three procedures: a lineup, photo lineup, or show-up. Re searches indicate that eyewitness testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence and may cause more miscarriages of justice than any other method of proof. Mistaken identifications may lead to the arrest of innocent persons.
Lineup is the police identification procedure in which a criminal suspect and other physically similar persons are shown to the victim or witness to determine whether the suspect is the perpetrator of the crime. In the lineup process, the victim or witness will be brought into the lineup room, which has one-way glass. However, the victims or witnesses are not obliged to identify anyone. In addition to physical lineup, investigators may decide to use photo lineup, in which a series of photographs are shown to the victim or witness. A photo lineup consists of several photographs of the same quality, size, shape, and type of individuals who are similar in appearance, for example, sex, age, skin, hair color, height, build, and other characteristics. Show-up is the identification procedure in which a suspect is confronted with a witness to or the victim of a crime. Unlike a lineup, show-up is a one-oneone confrontation.

Undercover and Entrapment 臥底與誘陷

Undercover work has been used in a variety of investigation. Officers who work undercover are called undercover agents, undercover police officer, or undercover operatives. Roping is another important technique for undercover agent. It is the art of gaining a suspect’s confidence and willingness to reveal his prior, current or planned criminal acts to the undercover agent. Undercover operation is often described by the media as sting operation, because in their point of view, it is an operation designed to catch a person committing a crime by means of deception. The word sting derives its origin from American usage to mean the police set a trap to catch a crook.
臥底工作被用在各種偵查,從事臥底工作的幹員稱為undercover agent、 undercover police officer或or undercover operatives。套話是臥底幹員的另一項重要技能,那是一門取得嫌犯信賴而願意將他以前、目前或已計畫的犯罪行為透露給臥底幹員的藝術。臥底行動通常被媒體形容為設局行動(sting operation),因為在他們的觀點,臥底是一項以欺騙的方式設計用來捕抓犯罪者的行動,sting一字源於美式用法,意指警察設陷阱抓壞蛋。
Sting operation is a common but controversial technique because the undercover officer might act as a drug dealer or even trafficker and participate in the crime. Such operations are frequently used to catch prostitutes on city streets. Another type of sting operation involves the undercover agent leaves a car unattended in a high crime area, with the door unlocked, and then round up the suspect while he is committing the car theft. It should be noted that the officer cannot solicit the potential target to commit the crimes. Instead, they wait for someone else to solicit. Otherwise, this would qualify as entrapment.
Entrapment can be explained as the conduct to induce the suspect to commit an offense that the person would ordinarily have no propensity to do. From the defendant’s perspective, entrapment is a common defense against a charge resulting from a sting operation. The defendant would claim that he or she was coerced into illegal activity by police officers. Although entrapment is not a crime, it is sometimes considered unethical.

Admission and Confession 自認與自白

Although people may confess to a crime, a conviction cannot be based solely on a confession. There must be other corroborating evidences to support the conviction. In other words, confession can be a piece of corroborative evidence and not as the sole evidence.
A false confession is an admission of guilt. False confession may result in false arrest and false imprisonment. Contrary to the widespread belief that people do not confess to crimes they did not commit, history reveals that many innocent people were wrongfully prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned and sometimes sentenced to death on the basis of false confession.
Confessions have been proved false in a number of situations, such as when it is discovered that the confessed crime was not committed; when new evidence shows it was physically impossible for the confessor to have committed the crime; when the real perpetrator is captured; and when DNA and other scientific evidence affirmatively establishes the confessor’s innocence. False confession may be voluntary. Voluntary false confessions are those in which people claim responsibility for crimes they did not commit without prompting or pressure from police. There are several reasons why innocent people might volunteer confessions, for example a pathological need for attention or self-punishment; feeling of guilt or delusions; or the desire to protect a parent, child or someone else. Undoubtedly, false confession may also be involuntary. An involuntary confession is one extracted by any sort of threats. It is a forced confession obtained under means of torture, enhanced interrogation technique or duress.
Extended interrogation techniques add stress and fatigue to the questioning, for example, questioning of 20 hours per day in many consecutive days. A confession is inadmissible as involuntary if it is extracted by any sort of coercion, threating, physical restraint or violence, or extended interrogation.
In early 20 century, officers might extract a confession by using enhanced interrogation, extended interrogation, or inappropriate methods such as violence, coercion, waterboarding, or depriving suspects of food, water and sleep. Nowadays, these interrogation methods are no longer acceptable. Detectives have to develop new ways of drawing confessions out of suspects, e.g. psychological techniques. But it is not unlawful that interrogators tell them about all the possible terrible penalties they will face if they are to be charged.






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