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作  者:朱平平
類  別:人文科普
出  版:白象文化
語  言:中英對照
I S B N :978-986-5890-47-6
裝  訂:平裝

定  價:NT$0

狀  態:未上架

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老派雞尾酒指南=The guide to classic cocktails
老派雞尾酒指南=The guide to classic cocktails





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作  者


Researches in international relations have been focusing on politics, sociology, economics, and law. This book adds new perspectives of philosophy and psychology in the analysis of international affairs. It synthesizes philosophical generality and psychological individuality in order to interpret common cases and complicated phenomenon in international relations.

Due to the knowledge background, ways of thinking, and academic framework and tradition, scholars form different theories, look at the same issues from different perspectives, and provide various interpretations. In hundreds of years, western theories and terminologies have dominated researches and publications in the field of International Relations. Discussions and arguments have been mainly between realism and liberalism, and their derivatives. Japanese scholar Takashi Inoguchi raised the question of “why are there no non-western theories of international relations” in 2006. There are other non-western researchers in the field share the same wonders including myself. Based on the current situation in international relations, this book presents a theoretical analysis of international relations starting from its natural origins. It tries to develop a theory that does not defend or repeat existing theories, neither does it attack any other hypotheses. The theory raised in this book is non-western, non-eastern, non-stereotyped, and non-biased. Many concepts and arguments are original and innovative. The book will bring a refreshing non-western element in a western dominated academic circle, thus arouse a two-way academic exchange in the field.



二零一二年 于日本名古屋

My career development has been in three countries with different languages: China, the United States, and Japan. Language has been a barrier for me to write articles and books, to express opinions, or to exchange ideas in academic circles. Years ago before I went to the U.S., I thought that my English would be improved quickly as soon as I studied there, and that I could conduct academic exchange in English shortly. But the fact was far from it. Filled with deep thoughts, I wrote my dissertation on Intercultural Academic Adaptation, elaborating the eight barriers in the process of this adaptation: relativity of knowledge, level of non-native language, tradition of academic research methodology, framework of thinking and theory, public resource, mastery over educational technology, academic circles, and financial resources. I have been working in Japan since April 2003. However, my Japanese has progressed very slowly due to the facts of being busy with teaching and research, using English in the faculty and Chinese in classrooms, and enlisting the help of characters in daily life in Japan. Having been away from the academic circle in China for more than twenty years, my Chinese could be incompetent in writing academic articles. Apart from the language, even greater obstacles come from the diversities of specifications, standards, and requirements in research articles between different academic systems. For example, I wrote an article in English on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, and consulted many related researches by senior scholars in the field. However, the reviewer was an English professor who has no knowledge of Chinese language or teaching Chinese, and insisted me to consult a book on English Teaching written in English from his bookshelf. The differences in languages and academic standards have hindered publication, exchange, and evaluation of academic viewpoints, as well as the academic development of those intercultural researchers, especially those of social sciences, who are also called “Midst of a Monk”. Meanwhile this situation has hindered the realization of academic fairness.
Language should not be the barrier of exchange, yet it is often difficult to avoid. The differences of standards in academic evaluation are unavoidable, however, it is possible for those standards to be gradually diversified and objective. Since the book is written in both Chinese and English, its targeting readers can amount more than one third of the world population. Meanwhile, with evaluations from two major languages and two academic systems, it adds the diversity and objectivity in evaluation. It is author’s hope that readers can slide over the blemishes of the language and non-standards in English writing of the book, understand the principles and ideas the author tries to express, and offer objections and discussions. In addition, the book can be a simple reader for Chinese-English bilingual readers.
In chapter one, the book presents major theories western and non-western in international relations. It raises uncertain, key, and starting points of researches in the field, and the theme of the book as well. Was the natural state of international relations rational or full of wars? Is “Security” the theme of international relations? Can powers stop wars and promote the transition from a state of anarchy to a rational condition? What are the key points of international relations, national interests or international balance, superpowers or international democracy? The starting point of international relations should be natural contacts between rational and individual neighbors without any external pressure or guidance. Chapter two recounts the evolution of international relations at three levels: natural, interest bearing, and inevitable relations between countries. It is a philosophical insight into international relations. Rationality is both the beginning and the end of international relations. National interests busted the natural rationality. And the return of natural rationality depends on the unification of national interests and inevitable relationships among nations, thus the realization of international interests.
Chapter three focuses on the individuals or entities in international relations. The behaviors of countries in international relations are analyzed according to the categories of declining, rising, strong, and weak ones. A country’s economic, political, and military positions affect its attitudes and strategies in dealing with other countries. Chapter four lists four types of bilateral or multilateral international relations such as developing, mature, unstable, and hostile models. They include the most important and typical international relations in modern world. Chapter five introduces a new perspective in analyzing the psychological guidance of leaders, strong, and weak countries in decision making while dealing with international affairs.
Chapter six raises the keys for establishing new patterns of international relations: democracy, equality, freedom, “family” value, and a balance between authority and autonomy. While a democratic country is people-based or people-oriented, or “of the people, by the people, for the people”, a democratic international society should be country-based or country-oriented, or of the country, by the country, for the country. As the concept of “people” includes the most majority of people in one country, the concept of “country” should include the most majority of countries in the world. The fully involvement of international affairs by all the countries in the world will take a long process and many steps from an equal right to express opinions in decision-making to caring each other between rich and poor countries, and to all countries with absolute autonomy.

Written in Nagoya, Japan 2012





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