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作  者:玳瑚師父
類  別:宗教哲思
出  版:白象文化
語  言:繁體中文
I S B N :9789863584704
裝  訂:平裝

定  價:NT$280


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祝 開卷有益

One evening, I was in town, dining and conversing with my disciples and students at a Japanese restaurant, when my phone rang. The caller on the other line was a manager in a top-tier watch company. She requested for my service to select an auspicious date for the opening of a new branch, as well as to do a Feng Shui audit at the new location. After ending the phone call, I told my disciples and students that I was going to cast my net further. Who knows, I started writing regularly this year, and am now about to publish my first book. It happened so fast like the sudden peal of thunder that leaves no time to cover the ears.

This book, titled "Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment-I Want To Be Good", stems straight from the heart. It is the direct inner voice that tells you not to stubbornly continue on the wayward path, to heed the advice of those who has walked the path and point you to the right direction back home. A wayward child that turns over a new leaf is more precious than gold.

Let us not linger any longer in this boundless universe,
And strive towards kindness and betterment,
To the ways of the sages,
"I want to be Good"
Let this be your mantra in this lifetime,
And may this extraordinary book sets you on this path.

May all readers benefit from this book.

個人網址 Website:www.masterdaihu.com
臉書專頁 Facebook page:www.facebook.com/masterdaihu
聯絡號碼 Contact number:+65 90284291


Humans are More Frightening than Ghosts



I wrote an article about the Hungry Ghosts’ Festival around the same time last year. Even though the festival has passed, I am still going to introduce the less known sides of a human and a spirit.

As I approached the half-century mark in my life, as part of my job scope, I have interacted with countless number of people. Thus I possess a thorough appreciation of the human nature. Frankly speaking, I am more afraid of a human than a ghost. The human nature is not pure. When I helped a person, I do not expect him to return any favour. Instead I will be glad if this person does not turn around and harm me. I believe many of you would resonate with my sentiments.

Here, I shall divulge some stories which happened to people around me, to allow you a closer examination of the human nature which is primarily clouded. One of my disciples got his dreams of overseas studies fulfilled when his father sold their home and raised enough funds. This student had his wish but remains an utter ingrate, one who is unfilial to his parents and does not bother with contribution to the society whatsoever. Instead, he scoffs at his father, is constantly at odds with him and sports a selfish attitude towards the spiritual mortality issues of his parents and siblings. Raise a son to guard against old age? Seemed to me like "raise a son to give you more troubles at old age!" I pity the father. I remember the first day I met this student and was slightly shocked. His face resembled that of a villain from the fictional notorious Bandits Valley. But I still took him in as my disciple, hoping that he will change by learning the Dharma and eradicating the bad karma and all the filthy thrash from his heart. Alas, I was naive to ignore that a person's appearance stems from his very heart. In the end, he flouted all the precepts, belittled them even and continued his errant ways. Now, his bad karma has accumulated as high as the highest mountains, and as deep as the deepest seas. If he does not repent now, I am afraid it will be too late.

Another student was jobless for some time, despite having a Masters. I got to know of it and immediately applied the principles of Chinese Metaphysics on him and eventually landed him his current high post job. In addition, I endowed upon him actual knowledge of Buddhism and the basics of Chinese Metaphysics, in hope that he will see the truth of life and understand the different levels of merits. Till today, whenever he comes for my lessons, I would hear new complaints, grudges or new desires. (A grateful person is not prone to complaining.) I thought to myself, he is a man alright, but he is so full of complaints, just like a vengeful woman! Amituofo! It is not easy to be born a man. Does he really want to be a woman instead? He receives kindness from others with no reciprocation, but instead frequently lies and complains. If this carries on, he will lose his human form in his next life. The three lower realms awaits. Please wake up urgently!

A client called me, requesting for an analysis of her birth chart to be done. I asked her for the reason. She replied that she needed help to look for a new job, due to her current job dissatisfaction. She helped her manager with good intention but ended up being misunderstood and picked on. She felt it was not worth staying on. As the Chinese saying goes, "The dog that bit Master Lu Dong Bin does not realise his kind heartedness". Another client, a beautiful flight attendant, got me to audit the Feng Shui of her house in a bid to save her crumpling marriage, due to her husband's infidelity. She wished for a baby to complete the family. With my help, she had a baby girl not long affter. I feel that being unfaithful is akin to losing one's focus. To diligently keep oneself focused is the key to a blissful marriage.

Ghosts, on the other hand, are much clearer and more direct in their intentions. As long as you have helped a spirit before, the spirit would be sure to repay your kindness, unlike humans with their warped psyche. Do not expect a fellow human to repay your kindness all the time. You would be lucky if he or she does not return your favour with malice! Thus I feel that a human is far more sinister than a spirit. Don't you think so? Ha ha ha!

All-encompassing Love



In my youth, I craved and hoped for a pure and everlasting love. My perception of love was not limited to the romantic pursuits between two lovers. It encompassed friendships and kinships as well. Alas, my longings remained unfulfilled. Deep inside me were just feelings of despair and helplessness that true love somehow eluded me.

I did not meet my true love but fortune favoured me to be born in a religious family and I got to know Chinese Metaphysics and religion when I was young. These two studies imperceptibly inspired me and nurtured my soul. My wisdom grew and it prevented me from turning into an irrational and vengeful person. I am truly grateful to Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics.

As I walked the long long road of learning and actualising my practice, I form this understanding: it is a common notion that if a person finds his or her other half, and loves him or her proper, that is it. That is their definition of love. It does not sound wrong, but let's just think a little deeper. A mother who shares her love among her ten children. A doctor who takes very good care of his patients in a hospital. And a religious leader who relentlessly prays everyday for the well-being of all sentient beings. Which kind of love is more noble, as compared to the former between two persons? I rest my case, and I know the wise one in you already have the answer.

Of course, we are not comparing whose love is more significant, but more importantly to let everyone knows the importance of great love. Do you know the reason for disharmony between the different religions? Why are there terrorists and wars etc? All these boil down to the lack of agape love! If God creates all beings, He would not like to see us killing one another. Do not blame God nor let your imagination run wild. If He does not have agape love, He would not be God.

At present, Master Dai Hu is able to sleep peacefully because I have truly understood the essence of an all-encompassing love. I sincerely hope that in my future years, I would be able to promote this concept of love and bring more peace and harmony to this world. A place without love is surely not a harmonious place. I am sure everyone wants to lead a peaceful life. Since that is the case, why not join our hands to build a world of harmony and prosperity? Come on! Let us all set free and express the great love that is hidden deep inside everyone of us.

And The Rain Came at The Right Moment



I used to have a neutral feeling towards rain. Neither do I have a lot of appreciation for it. Why, then, is this article about rain? Well, my main purpose is to share with everybody my changed perspective on rain after I started my spiritual cultivation. Through this article, I hope to highlight the quiet contribution of the rain.

One night after I am done with my consultations, my students and I went for supper at the town area. We were having our own meals, engaging in light conversations, when I felt a wisp of cool breeze swaying in from all directions. A surreal sense of tranquility engulfed the surroundings which, at that moment, had me baffled. I tilted my head slightly to my left and realised that it was the rain. Momentarily, an inspiration arose, a feeling towards the rain was formed, thus this article.

If you do not mind, I would be most willing to share with you my sentiments towards the rain, through this article. The light drizzle that night came at the right moment. Not only did it add an aesthetic beauty to the surrounding, it drove away the heat as well. It diluted my "sorrow" towards sentient beings and calmed the "woes" burning in my heart. Rain has long since become my silent friend. We do not "communicate" often, but it knows me well because it always appears when I wish to see it most and when I have the time to offer it my subtle smile and nod of acknowledgement. It knows that I appreciate good manners, thus it rarely appears in front of me abruptly.

Ashamedly, only at this age do I have a full contemplative understanding of the rain: its kindness, its beauty, its conscientiousness, its maturity, its depth etc. Oh rain, I ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive the dim child in me. With your conscientious shower of nurturing, I will be more motivated, strong-willed and committed in learning your selfless and noble spirit towards all beings. I thank you sincerely for patiently arousing this dim child from his ignorance. This "problem child" will continue his relentless pursuit of Enlightenment.

For all who read this article, I hope you will feel the same cool breeze through your burdened heart, when the rain arrives.

Not Being Able To Conceive







For many of us, the major reasons we get our birth chart analysed by a Master are none other than the following: marriage, wealth, descendants and career. Out of these four reasons, the quest for descendants has spun many amusing real-life stories. In this human world, to have no luck with descendants is a shameful and regrettable fact for most of us. Thus there will be some who would spend fortunes to seek various ways for them to have children. Some got their wishes fulfilled, yet there were some whose hope crumbled in vain. Is there any reason for this? Let me tell you this, every thing that occurs in this world has its cause and affinity. It is not up to any of us to validate nor disbelieve this fact. It is akin to the bacteria that escape our naked eyes, yet we cannot deny their presence. Bacteria is everywhere!

According to what I know and have verified, the ability to have offspring is intricately connected to your merits. It has absolutely nothing to do with money. It is precisely so that I painstakingly remind everyone repeatedly to cultivate your merits so as to achieve good fortune in marriage, wealth, descendants and career. For those whose actions or thoughts bring harm to others, who destroy instead of accumulating your merits, your wishes in life would be hard to materialize.

Many people desperately want to know the reasons for them being childless. Here, I will expound the reasons. It is up to you to believe or not. As a matter of fact, the law of karma (cause & effect) is quite oblivious to your acknowledgement of its existence. The several reasons for being childless:

1) Previous abortion(s), as it constitutes to killing. The most important precept in Buddhism is abstinence from killing so the severity of this sin when committed is obvious.
2) Sexual misconduct.
3) Wrong placement of the kitchen stove.
4) Wrong placement of the altar.
5) Wrong placement of the bed.
6) Lack of morals in conducting your business.
7) Defamation of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhist practitioners.
8) Willful breaking of your promise to the Buddhas and deities, deliberately delaying its execution due to arrogance.
9) Like to take advantage of others, including the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhist practitioners
and so on.

If you are truly repentant and committed to uphold the precepts and lead a wholesome life (including doing kind deeds and giving to the needy), your negative karma will be reduced. Conversely, your merits will also increase, leading to the eventual fulfillment of your wishes.

There is a verse that I am particularly fond of, one which I often share with those whom I have affinity with. I believe that those of you reading this article also share an affinity with me. So I shall share the verse right here right now:

Do not think you can deceive your own heart.
Who have the omnipresent gods and ghosts ever let slip?
The good and the bad will get what they deserve in the end
It is just but a matter of time.

Regardless if you wish for a child or not, please do not commit unwholesome and immoral acts. You will live to regret it!

以上內容節錄自《向善向上二版》 玳瑚師父◎著.白象文化出版


兒時,看著家父白天做工,其餘時間施診醫治無數人的奇難雜症,又以玄學為人們排憂解難,得到很多人的讚賞。當時就想,有一天也要像家父 一樣,有「非一般的能力」, 做個對社會有貢獻的人。


2. 共生與分炊:合中有分,分不離合
3. 藍男色-允碩的極私密萬年曆桌曆(限)
4. 營利事業所得稅查核準則實務解析
5. 長春餓殍戰:中國國共內戰最慘烈的圍困,1947.11.4~1948.10.19
6. 「玩賺權證」達人祕笈
2.讀豳室詩草 杜仰山作品
3.人工智能的第一性原理 熵與訊息引擎
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